idioms and phrases

Idioms and Phrases B

Aziz Murad
Latest posts by Aziz Murad (see all)
Spoken English Course November

Bag and baggage (তল্পিতল্পাসহ)The students left the classroom bag and baggage.

Before long (শীগ্রই) I will go there before long.

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Big guns (নাম করা/পরিচিত/বিশিষ্ট ব্যক্তি) He is a big gun in our society.

By hook or by crook (যে কোন প্রকারে) He will achieve his goals by hook or by crook.

By no means (কিছুতেই না) Icould by no means help him.

By dint of/by virtue of (গুনে) He got the job by dint of his merit.

By far (অধিক পরিমাণে) He is by the best boy in our class.

By all means (সর্ব উপায়ে) They tried by all means to win the football match.

By and by (শীগ্রই) You will get rid of sickness by and by.

By the by (প্রসংগ ক্রমে) I told this by the by.

Idioms and Phrases-B

By fits and starts (মাঝে মাঝে খুব উদ্যমের সাথে) He showed a great enthusiasm by fits and starts.

By leaps and bounds (খুব দ্রুত গতিতে) He became a successfully businessman by leaps and bounds.

By means of (দ্বারা/উপায়ে) He became rich by means of using his political power.

Bid fair (সম্ভব বলে মনে হয়) Our plan bids fair to be successful.

By turns (পর্যায়ক্রমে) Doctors are observing the patient by turns.

By way of (উপায়ে/স্বরুপে) He revealed the real story by the way of joke.

Bed of roses (আরামের স্থান) Life is not a bed of roses.

Bed of thorns (কন্টক শয্যা) I think life is really a bed of thorns.

Between two fires (উভয় সংকটে) Now, I am between two fires.

Between the horns of dilemma (উভয় সংকটে) Sometimes we are between the horns of dilemma.

Idioms and Phrases-B

Bone of contention (বিবাদের কারণ) The property has become the bone of contention between two brothers.

Burning question (ব্যাপক আলোচিত বিষয়) BCS exam is now the burning question.

Bear the brunt of (প্রধান/বড় ধাক্কা সহ্য করা) The Bengal regiment had to bear the brunt of the enemy’s attack

Beat about the bush (অপ্রাসংগিক আলোচনা/ঘুরিয়ে পেচিয়ে কথা বলার চেষ্ট করা) Tell me straightly what you want to say, don’t try to beat about the bush.

Beat the air (বৃথা শ্রম) In trying to be viral, You are really beating the air, it is not possible for you.

Beggar description (যা বলে বর্ণনা করা যাবেনা) The suffering the flood affected people beggar description.

Black and blue (নির্দয় ভাবে প্রহার করা) They beat the thief black and blue.

Break one’s heart (দুঃখ দেয়া) His father’s death broke my heart.

Break the news (দুঃসংবাদ দেয়া) Don’t break the news to him right now.

Bring to light (প্রকাশ করা/প্রকাশিতহ ও্য়া) His dishonesty brought to light.


Idioms and Phrases-B

Bring to book (তিরস্কার করা) Selim was brought to book for not doing his duty.

Brass tacks (প্রকৃত কাজের কথায় আসা) We discussed so many things. Now, let’s get down to brass tacks

Bad blood (শত্রুতা) There is a bad blood relationship between two friends.

Blue blood (আভিজাত্য) He came of a blue blood family.

Bring to bay (কোণঠাসা করা) The thief was brought to bay.

Break the ice (প্রাথমিক ভাবে কথা শুরু করা) Finally I could break the ice.

Bury the hatchet (বিবাদ মিটিয়ে ফেলা) Lets bury the hatchet and work together.

Bring about (ঘটানো)The Apple company brought about the revolutionary changes in technology.

Bring out (প্রকাশ করা) I will bring out my Book next month.

Bring up (লালন পালন করা) He was brought up by his uncle.


Idioms and Phrases-B

Bring to book (তিরস্কার করা) Selim was brought to book for not doing his duty.

Brass tacks (প্রকৃত কাজের কথায় আসা) We discussed so many things. Now, let’s get down to brass tacks

Bad blood (শত্রুতা) There is a bad blood relationship between two friends.

Blue blood (আভিজাত্য) He came of a blue blood family.

Bring to bay (কোণঠাসা করা) The thief was brought to bay.

Break the ice (প্রাথমিক ভাবে কথা শুরু করা) Finally I could break the ice.

Bury the hatchet (বিবাদ মিটিয়ে ফেলা) Lets bury the hatchet and work together.

Bring about (ঘটানো)The Apple company brought about the revolutionary changes in technology.

Bring out (প্রকাশ করা) I will bring out my Book next month.

Bring up (লালন পালন করা) He was brought up by his uncle.


Idioms and Phrases-B

Bring down (নতকরা) His failure in SSC exam brought down his pride.

Burst into (কান্নায়ভেংগেপড়া) When he heard the news of his father’s death, he burst into tears.

Burst out laughter (হাসিতেফেটেপড়া) He suddenly burst out a laughter hearing my words.



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