Preposition এর সূচীপত্র
Preposition বা Appropriate Preposition শিখতে আর বাধা কোথায়? এবার ইচ্ছামত শিখুন, চর্চা করুন।
A. General Preposition:
গুরুত্বপূর্ণ Prepostion সমূহ (বাংলা অর্থ ও উদাহরণ সহকারে)
B. Appropriate Preposition
১. Appropriate Prepostions with A
২. Appropriate Prepostions with B
৩. Appropriate Prepostions with C
৪. Appropriate Prepostions with D
৫. Appropriate Prepostions with E
৬. Appropriate Prepostions with F
৭. Appropriate Prepostions with G
৮. Appropriate Prepostions with H
৯. Appropriate Prepostions with I
১০. Appropriate Prepostions with J
১১. Appropriate Prepostions with K
১২. Appropriate Prepostions with L
১৩. Appropriate Prepostions with M
১৪. Appropriate Prepostions with N
১৫. Appropriate Prepostions with O
১৬. Appropriate Prepostions with P
১৭. Appropriate Prepostions with Q
১৮. Appropriate Prepostions with R
১৯. Appropriate Prepostions with S
২০. Appropriate Prepostions with T
২১. Appropriate Prepostions with U
২২. Appropriate Prepostions with V
২৩. Appropriate Prepostions with W
২৪. Appropriate Prepostions with X
২৫. Appropriate Prepostions with Y
২৬. Appropriate Prepostions with Z
Quick Link:
Appropriate Prepositions with (A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z )