Transformation of Sentence

Transformation Sentence

Aziz Murad
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Assertive to Interrogative

যেসব sentence দিয়ে সাধারণত বিবৃতি বোঝায় তাদের Assertive sentence বলে এবং যেসব sentence দিয়ে প্রশ্ন করা বোঝায় তাদের Interrogative sentence বলে। অর্থের পরিবর্তন না করে Assertive sentence-কে Interrogative sentence-এ রুপান্তরিত করার কিছু নিয়ম নিছে দেওয়া হলঃ

Rule 1: Auxiliary verb-যুক্ত affirmative assertive sentence-কে interrogative করার নিয়ম;

Structure: Auxiliary verb+ n’t+ subject+ extension (বাকী অংশ)+ ?


Assertive: Sami is in the school.
Interrogative: Isn’t Sami in the school?

Assertive: Vumi can do the work.
Interrogative: Can’t Vumi do the work?

Rule 2: Auxiliary verb-যুক্ত negative assertive sentence-কে interrogative করার নিয়ম;

Structure: Auxiliary verb+ subject+ extension (বাকী অংশ)+ ?

Assertive: Sami is not in the school.
Interrogative: Is Sami in the school?

Assertive: Rupa cannot do the work.
Interrogative: Can Rupa do the work?

Rule 3: Auxiliary verb-বিহীন assertive sentence-কে interrogative করার নিয়ম;

Structure: Don’t/doesn’t/didn’t (subject ও tense অনুযায়ী)+ subject+ Verb-এর present form+ extension (বাকী অংশ)+ ?

Assertive: Mahi likes chocolate.
Interrogative: Doesn’t Mahi like chocolate?

Assertive: Bela went to market.
Interrogative:Didn’t Bela go to market?

Rule 4: Never-যুক্ত assertive sentence-কে interrogative করার জন্য Neverএর জায়গায় Ever হবে এবং শেষে প্রশ্নবোধক চিহ্ন বসে।

Assertive: Maria never tells a lie.

Interrogative:Does Maria ever tell a lie?

Rule 5: Nothing-যুক্ত assertive sentence-কে interrogative করার জন্য Nothingএর জায়গায় anything হবে এবং শেষে প্রশ্নবোধক চিহ্ন বসে।

Assertive: I know nothing.
Interrogative: Do I know anything?

Assertive: Tom had nothing to do.
Interrogative:Had Tom anything to do?

Note: Assertive sentence-এর subject হিসেবে Nothing  থাকলে এর জায়গায় what বসে।

Assertive: Nothing is impossible.

Interrogative:What is impossible?

Rule  6: All/everybody/everyone-যুক্ত assertive sentence-কে interrogative করার নিয়ম;

Structure: Who(All/everybody/everyone-এর পরিবর্তে)+don’t/doesn’t/didn’t (subject ও tense অনুযায়ী)+ Verb-এর present form+ extension (বাকী অংশ)+ ?

Assertive: Everybody likes a good health.
Interrogative: Who doesn’t like a good health?

Assertive: All respected you.
Interrogative: Who didn’t respect you?

Rule 7: No one/nobody/none-যুক্ত assertive sentence-কে interrogative করার নিয়ম;

Structure: Who (No one/nobody/none-এর পরিবর্তে)+ extension (বাকী অংশ)+ ?

Assertive: Nobody can achieve success without hard-work.
Interrogative:Who can achieve success without hard-work?

Assertive: None could solve the problem.
Interrogative:Who could solve the problem?

Assertive to Imperative

Assertive to Imperative

Assertive sentence-কে Imperative sentence-এ রূপান্তর করতে হলে প্রথমে মূল verb এর present form বসে তারপর বাকি অংশ বসে। বাক্যটি negative হলে শুরুতে do not বসে।

Assertive: You should speak the truth.
Imperative: Speak the truth.

Assertive: You should keep your promise.
Imperative: Keep your promise.

Assertive: You should not run in the sun.
Imperative: Do not run in the sun.


Some Exceptional/More Examples:

Assertive: You should have patience in danger.
Imperative:Have patience in danger.

Assertive: I desire you to lend me your pencil, please.
Imperative:Lend me your pencil, please.

Assertive: I propose that we should go out for a walk.
Imperative:Let us go out for a walk.

Assertive to Optative

Assertive to Optative

Assertive sentence-কে Optative sentence-এ রূপান্তর করতে হলে নিচের structure অনুযায়ী করা হয়;

Structure: May+ subject+ principal verb+ বাকি অংশ

Assertive: You will shine in life.
Optative: May you shine in life.

Assertive: We wish that you get A+ in the exam.
Optative: May you get A+ in the exam.

Assertive to Exclamatory

Assertive to Exclamatory

নিন্মলিখিত নিয়ম অনুযায়ী Assertive sentence-কে Exclamatory sentence-এ রূপান্তর করা হয়ঃ

Rule 1: Assertive sentence-এ verb এর পর a/an থাকলে নিচের Structure অনুযায়ী পরিবর্তন করা হয়;

Structure: What+ a/an+ adjective+ subject+ verb+ + বাকি অংশ+ ! (note of exclamation)

Assertive:It is a very nice place.
Exclamatory: What a nice place it is!

Assertive:It was a very nice fruit.
Exclamatory: What a nice fruit it was!

Rule 2: Assertive sentence-এ verb এর পর a/an না থাকলে নিচের Structure অনুযায়ী পরিবর্তন করা হয়;

Structure: How+ adjective+ subject+ verb+ + বাকি অংশ+ ! (note of exclamation)

Assertive:It is very nice place.
Exclamatory: How nice place it is!

Assertive:Marina is very greedy.
Exclamatory: How greedy Marina is!

Rule 3: Assertive sentence-এ wish থাকলে নিচের Structure অনুযায়ী পরিবর্তন করা হয়;

Structure: If/had (subject, wish-এর পরিবর্তে)+ subject+ বাকি অংশ+ ! (note of exclamation)


Assertive:I wish I were a fairy.
Exclamatory: If I were a fairy!

Assertive:I wish I had the wings of a dove.
Exclamatory: Had I the wings of a dove!


Some Exceptional/More Examples:

Assertive:It is shameful that Rita does not obey her parents.
Exclamatory: Fie!Rita does not obey her parents.

Assertive:I am very desirous of meeting you once again.
Exclamatory: Oh, how much I desire to meet you once again!

Assertive:I wish I had only a friend to support me.
Exclamatory: If I had a friend to support me!

Exclamatory to Assertive

Exclamatory to Assertive

নিন্মলিখিত নিয়ম অনুযায়ী Exclamatory sentence-কে Assertive sentence-এ রূপান্তর করা হয়ঃ

Rule 1: What/How-যুক্ত Exclamatory sentence-কেAssertive করতে নিচের Structure অনুযায়ী পরিবর্তন করা হয়;

Structure: Subject+ verb+ a (what)+ very/great+ adjective+ বাকি অংশ


Exclamatory: What a good job it was!
Assertive:It was a very good job.

Exclamatory: How fool Mita is!
Assertive:Mita is a great fool.

Rule 2: Hurrah-যুক্ত Exclamatory sentence-কেAssertive করতে নিচের Structure অনুযায়ী পরিবর্তন করা হয়;

Structure: Subject+ rejoice that+ Hurrah-এর পর বাকি অংশ।

or, Hurrah-এর পরিবর্তে it is a matter of great joy that বসে।

Exclamatory: Hurrah! We are winner.
Assertive:We rejoice that We are winner.

Exclamatory: Hurrah! I have caught a fish.
Assertive:It is a matter of great joy that I have caught a fish.

Rule 3: If-যুক্ত Exclamatory sentence-কেAssertive করতে নিচের Structure অনুযায়ী পরিবর্তন করা হয়;

Structure: Subject+ wish+ if-এর পর বাকি অংশ।

Exclamatory: If I were a fairy!
Assertive:I wish I were a fairy.

Rule 4: Had-যুক্ত Exclamatory sentence-কেAssertive করতে নিচের Structure অনুযায়ী পরিবর্তন করা হয়;

Structure: Subject+ wish+Subject+ had+ had-এর পর বাকি অংশ।

Exclamatory: Had I been a school student again!
Assertive: I wish I had been a school student again.

Rule 5: Alas-যুক্ত Exclamatory sentence-কেAssertive করতে Alas-এর পরিবর্তে it is a matter of great sorrow that+ বাকি অংশ বসে।


Exclamatory: Alas! I am undone.
Assertive:It is a matter of great sorrow that I am undone.

Some Exceptional/More Examples: (Including Vice Versa)

Exclamatory: O, what a misery is in store for me!
Assertive:A great misery is in store for me.

Exclamatory: Woe to the traitor to his country!
Assertive:Let woe befall the traitor to his country.


Assertive: Good morning!
Exclamatory: I wish you good morning.

Assertive:Away with you, you scoundrel!
Exclamatory:You are a scoundrel, and must go away at once.

Assertive: To think of our meeting here!
Exclamatory: It is strange that we should meet here.

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