Degree Change

Degree Change

Aziz Murad
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Spoken English Course November

Changing Degree of Adjectives

Degree of Adjectives সাধারনত ৩ প্রকার।

  • Positive Degree
  • Comparative Degree
  • Superlative Degree
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Positive Degree কী? সাধারণ কথাবার্তা(দোষ, গুণ, পরিমাণ ) বোঝাতে Positive Degree ব্যবহৃত হয়। যেমন- He is a good boy.

Comparative Degree কী? সাধারণত দু’য়ের মধ্যে তুলনা বোঝাতে Comparative Degree ব্যবহৃত হয়। যেমন- He is better than you.

Superlative Degree কী? সাধারণত দু’য়ের অধিক ব্যক্তির মধ্যে তুলনা বোঝাতে Superlative Degree ব্যবহৃত হয়। যেমন- He is the best boy.

Positive to Comparative

Rule1: বাক্যটি সাধারণত দোষ, গুণ, পরিমাণ বোঝালে নিন্মলিখিত structure অনুযায়ী Comparative করা হয়।

Structure: Subject+ verb+ adjective-এর Comparative form+ than any other+ common noun.

Positive : He is a good boy.
Comparative: He is better than any other boy.

Positive : Gold is a precious metal.
Comparative: Gold is more precious than any other metal.

Rule 2: No other-দ্বারা বাক্য শুরু হলে comparative করতে নিন্মলিখিত structure অনুযায়ী পরিবর্তন করা হয়।

Structure: Subject+ verb+ adjective-এর Comparative form+ than any other (no other-এর পরিবর্তে) + তুলনীয় শব্দ+ অন্যান্য word. 

Positive : No other boy in the class is as good as he.
Comparative: He is better than any other boy in the class.

Positive : No other man in the village is as old as Kalu Mia.
Comparative: Kalu Mia is older than any other man in the village.

Rule 3: Very few-দ্বারা বাক্য শুরু হলে comparative করতে নিন্মলিখিত structure অনুযায়ী পরিবর্তন করা হয়।

Structure: শেষের Subject-টি+ verb+ adjective-এর Comparative form+ than most other (very few-এর পরিবর্তে) + very few-এর পরবর্তী অংশ. 

Positive : Very few poets are as famous as Nazrul.
Comparative: Nazrul is more famous than most other poets.

Positive : Very few books are as hard as it.
Comparative: It is harder than most other books.

Rule 4: as+ adjective+ as-যুক্ত Positive degree-কেcomparative করতে নিন্মলিখিত structure অনুযায়ী পরিবর্তন করা হয়।

Structure: শেষের Subject-টি+ verb+ not/not উঠে যাবে (positive degree-র sentence-টি affirmative হলে  not, negative হলে  not উঠে যাবে) + adjective-এর Comparative form+ than+ প্রথম Subject.

Positive : Rahim is as tall as you.
Comparative: You are not taller than Rahim.

Positive : His sister is not as helpful as his brother.
Comparative: His brother is more helpful than his sister.

Positive to Superlative

Rule 1: No other- যুক্ত Positive degree-কেSuperlative করতে নিন্মলিখিত structure অনুযায়ী পরিবর্তন করা হয়।

Structure: শেষের Subject-টি + verb+ the+ adjective-এর superlative form+ no other-এর পরবর্তী অংশ (verb-এর আগ পর্যন্ত)

Positive: No other boy is as clever as Samir.
Superlative: Samir is the cleverest boy.

Positive: No other man is as fast as him.
Superlative: He is the fastest man.

Rule 2: Very few- যুক্ত Positive degree-কেSuperlative করতে নিন্মলিখিত structure অনুযায়ী পরিবর্তন করা হয়।

Structure: শেষের Subject-টি + verb+ one of the+ adjective-এর superlative form+ very few-এর পরবর্তী অংশ (verb-এর আগ পর্যন্ত) 

Positive:Very few flowers are as beautiful as the rose.
Superlative: The rose is one of the most beautiful flowers.

Positive: Very few boys in the class are as good as Pratik.
Superlative: Pratik is one of the best boys in the class.

Comparative to Positive

Rule 1: Than any other/all other- যুক্ত Comparative degree-কেPositive করতে নিন্মলিখিত structure অনুযায়ী পরিবর্তন করা হয়।

Structure: No other+ any other/all other -এর পরবর্তী অংশ +verb+ So/as+ adjective-এর Positive form+ as+ Subject.

Comparative: Murad is more helpful than any other boy in the class.
Positive: No other boy in the class is as helpful as Murad.

Comparative : Karim is more active than all other boys in the team.
Positive: No other boys in the team is as active as Karim.

Rule 2: Than- যুক্ত Comparative degree-কেPositive করতে নিন্মলিখিত structure অনুযায়ী পরিবর্তন করা হয়।

Structure: Than-এর পরবর্তী অংশ +verb+ not not/not উঠে যাবে (Comparative degree-র sentence-টি affirmative হলে  not, negative হলে  not উঠে যাবে) + So/as+ adjective-এর Positive form+ as+ Subject.

Comparative : Milton is wiser than Pranta.
Positive: Pranta is not as wise as Milton.

Comparative : Tushi is  not clever than Mukta.
Positive: Mukta is cleverer than Tushi.

Rule 3: Than most/ few other- যুক্ত Comparative degree-কেPositive করতে নিন্মলিখিত structure অনুযায়ী পরিবর্তন করা হয়।

Structure: Very few+ most other/ few other-এর পরের অংশ+ verb-এর plural form So/as+ adjective-এর Positive form+ as+ Subject.

Comparative: Shelly is more popular than most other poets.
Positive: Very few poets are as popular as Shelly.

Comparative : The Padma is larger than most other rivers.
Positive:Very few rivers are as large as The Padma.

Rule 4: No less/not less……..than- যুক্ত Comparative degree-কেPositive করতে নিন্মলিখিত structure অনুযায়ী পরিবর্তন করা হয়।

Structure: Subject+ verb+ as (No less/not less-এর পরিবর্তে)+ adjective-এর Positive form+ as+ than-এর পরের অংশ।

Comparative: Brinti is not less strong than Pranti.
Positive: Brinti is as strong as Pranti.

Comparative to Superlative

Rule 1: Than any other/all other- যুক্ত Comparative degree-কেsuperlative করতে নিন্মলিখিত structure অনুযায়ী পরিবর্তন করা হয়।

Structure: Subject+ verb+ the + adjective-এর superlative form+ other-এর পরের অংশ/ of all ( যদি than all other থাকে).

Comparative: Iqbal is more helpful than any other boy in the class.
Superlative: Iqbal is the most helpful boy in the class.

Comparative : Karim is more active than all other boys.
Superlative: Karim is the most active of all boys.

Rule 2: Than most/ few other- যুক্ত Comparative degree-কেsuperlative করতে নিন্মলিখিত structure অনুযায়ী পরিবর্তন করা হয়।

Structure: Subject+ verb+ one of the + adjective-এর superlative form+ most other/ few other-এর পরের অংশ

Comparative: Dhaka is bigger than most other cities in Bangladesh.
Superlative: Dhaka is one of the biggest cities in Bangladesh.

Comparative : Nazrul is more famous than most other poets.
Superlative: Nazrul is one of the most famous poets.

Superlative to Positive

Rule 1: The+ superlative form- যুক্ত Superlative degree-কেpositive করতে নিন্মলিখিত structure অনুযায়ী পরিবর্তন করা হয়।

Structure: No other+ superlative form-এর পরের অংশ + verb+ so/ as+ positive form+ as+ Subject.

Superlative: Merry is the tallest girl in the class.
Positive: No other girl in the class is as tall as Merry.

Note: Positive form-এ of all/of any উঠে যাবে।

Superlative: Shakespeare is the greatest of all dramatist.
Positive: No other dramatist is as great as Shakespeare.

Rule 2: One of the+ superlative form- যুক্ত Superlative degree-কেpositive করতে নিন্মলিখিত structure অনুযায়ী পরিবর্তন করা হয়।

Structure: Very few+ superlative form-এর পরের অংশ + verb+ so/ as+ positive form+ as+ Subject.

Superlative: Shuvo is one of the best boys in the class.
Positive: Very few boys in the class are as good as Shuvo.

Superlative: Shakespeare is one of the greatest dramatists.
Positive:Very few dramatists are as great as Shakespeare.

Superlativet o Comparative

Rule 1: Normal(of all- যুক্ত) Superlative degree-কেComparative করার নিয়মঃ

Structure: Subject+ verb+ Comparative form+ than any/all other (of all থাকলে).


Superlative: Mohima is the best girl in the class.
Comparative: Mohima is better than any other girl in the class.

Superlative: Md. Swapan is the wisest man in the village.
Comparative: Md. Swapan is wiser than any other man in the village.

Rule 2: One of the- যুক্ত Superlative degree-কেComparative করতে নিন্মলিখিত structure অনুযায়ী পরিবর্তন করা হয়।

Structure: Subject+ verb+ Comparative form+ than most other + বাকী অংশ।

Note: এক্ষেত্রে, One of the উঠে যায়।


Superlative: Srabani is one of the best girls.
Comparative: Srabani is better than most other girls.

Superlative: Tohid is one of the wisest men in the village.
Comparative: Tohid is wiser than most other men in the village.

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