- Should Have এর ব্যবহার - May 22, 2022
- May Have এর ব্যবহার - May 5, 2022
- Will এর ব্যবহার - March 29, 2022
1. At-এ/তে/য়/দিকে/প্রতি। Our class starts at 10 am.
2. Around-চারদিকে/চারদিক দিয়ে। There are a lot of hills and trees around me.
3. Among– অনেকের মধ্যে। Distribute the relief among flood affected people.
4. Along-বরাবর Go along the road and you can find your destination.
5. Ago-(আগে/অতীতকালে) I met him 12 years ago.
6. Against-প্রতিকূলে/বিরুদ্ধ্যে/বিপক্ষে। I don’t talk against any body.
7. After-পরে/অতীত কালে পরে। I will go home from London after 2 years.
8. Across-আড়াআড়িভাবে/ এদিক থেকে অন্য দিকে। He is going across the busy road.
9. Above-উঁচুতে/অধিকতর উঁচু। The sky is above our head.
10. About-সম্পর্কে/সম্বন্ধে/বিষয়ে/ব্যাপারে/প্রায়। I don’t know about him.
11. But – ব্যতীত/ছাড়া। I could not pass the exam but for your help.
12. By-দ্বারা/কর্তৃক/মাধ্যমে/দিয়ে/পাশে/সাথে/উপায়ে/অনুযায়ী/হিসাবে/ধরে। Don’t judge the book by its cover.
13. Beyond-দূরে/পেছনে/ধারে।His result is beyond our expectation.
14. Beneath– অপেক্ষাকৃত নীচে/নিম্নে। He got beneath 70% marks in every subject.
15. Below-নীচে/নিচে স্পর্শ করে। The examples are given below.
16. Behind– পিছনে। He is standing behind me
17. Before– আগে/পূর্বে/অতীতে। I learnt English before 10 years
18. Because of– কারনে/জন্য। I made a good result because of your help.
19. During-সময়ে/ধরে। Don’t disturb during my study.
20. Down– নীচু স্থানে। He got down the train and started walking for his home.
21. Despite-সত্ত্বেও। Despite his poverty, he is honest.
22. Except– ব্যতীত/ছাড়া।Everybody except Rahim went to the party.
23. For-জন্য/কারনে/উদ্দেশে/ধরে। I am going to London for higher study.
24. From– হইতে/থেকে(point of time বুঝাতে)। I will have been taking exercise from tomorrow.
25. In-মধ্যে/ভিতরে/এ/তে/য়/ভবিষ্যত কালে পরে বুঝাতে। We are sitting in the class room.
26. Into– ভিতরের দিকে। The teacher came into the classroom.
27. Instead of– পরিবর্তে। I took Physics instead of Chemistry
28. Inside– ভিতরে/মধ্যে।Please, come inside the house.
29. In spite of-সত্ত্বেও He could not get a good job in spite of his good result.
30. In front of– সম্মুখে/সামনে। There is a nice flower garden in front of my reading room.
31. Near-কাছে/নিকটে। I am living near his house.
32. Over-উপর দিয়ে। A bird is flying over my head.
33. Out of – বাইরে। He came out of home.
34. On top of – উপরে শীর্ষে ঘেঁষে।There is a book on the top of the shelf.
35. On – উপর/উপরে স্পর্শ করে। There is a book on the table
36. Off – হতে/থেকে। Put off your shoes.
37. Of – র/এর। We are the citizen of Bangladesh.
38. Past – গত/পাশ দিয়ে। Now I am walking past National Museuam.
39. Round – চারদিকে/চারদিকদিয়ে।The earth moves round the sun.
40. Since – হইতে/থেকে। I have been waiting here since morning.
41. To -দিকে/তে/প্রতি/কাছে/অভিমুখে। I am going to Dhaka tomorrow.
42. Towards –দিকে। The boy who is coming toward me is my brother.
43. Till -প্রথম থেকে শেষ পর্যন্ত। Stay in the room till 5 pm.
44. Through -ভিতর দিয়ে/মধ্য দিয়ে। A bird entered into the room trough the windows.
45. Up -উচু/উচুতে। He is climbing up the hill.
46. Until – প্রথম থেকে শেষ পর্যন্ত। Wait here until the rain stops.
46. Under -নীচে/নিম্নে/অধীনে। He sat under the tree. He works under me.
47. Underneath -তলা স্পর্শ করে নীচে। there is a cat underneath the table.
48. While – সময়। I hurt myself while playing football
49. Without -ব্যতীত/বিনা/ছাড়া। I can’t think anything without newspaper in the morning.
50. With -সাথে/সহিত/সহ/দিয়ে/উপায়ে। I went to Dhaka with my father last week. I ate rice with vegetables.