Spoken English Course

ইংরেজি শেখার কোর্স

Aziz Murad
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সবাইকে শুভেচ্ছা। যদি আপনি অনলাইনে ট্রেইনারের মুখে মুখে একটি ভাল মানের “ইংরেজি শেখার কোর্স” অনুসন্ধান করছেন, তাহলে আপনি সঠিক জায়গায় আসছেন। 

আমি আজিজ মুরাদ, S@ifur’s-এ স্পোকেন ইংলিশ ক্লাস নিয়েছি প্রায় ৮ বছর। অনলাইনে আমার পারসনাল স্পোকেন ইংলিশ ব্যাচ চালু আছে। আমার ক্লাস, লার্নারস, বিভিন্ন Social Network লিংক নিচে পেয়ে যাবেন। এখন দেখা যাক আমার অনলাইন “স্পোকেন ইংলিশ কোর্স”-এ কি কি থাকছে।

কোর্স সম্পর্কে জানুন


He is owner of AzizMurad.com and a successful English Language Trainer. He has taught 8,000+ learners successfully.

Here's What's Our Learners Say

Mainul Arefin Tamal
Mainul Arefin Tamal
Freelancer at Seo, Outsourching & Entrepreneur
"Hi! How demanding English has become. I can't just explain you in words. I'm Mainul Arefin Tamal. I'm now a full time English speaker in my job. I'm a freelancer. It became possible because I learnt English well. In 2015 I met Aziz Murad sir by one of his student's reference and I just sticked to him. Now I am to deal with hundreds of USA cLients in a single day as I became Top rated freelncer at Upwork and Fiverr. I strongly recommend you to learn English with him in his (Online Spoken English Program & many features you will have in it). If you need any help relating to my service just check me out through my any link." Thanks
Web Designer & WordPress Developer at Upwork & Works at Elegant Themes
"If you know English you can dominate the world. I'm not just talking about English you just learnt from your school & college (academic English). I'm talking about effective verbal communicative English to deal with. Once I realized the importance of English fluency for the field in my work, I completed a Spoken English course under Aziz Murad sir and gradully gained fluency in English. Anyway, I'm Muhammad Tanjid & I'm working as Web Developer as I gave you a hint before. My job involves much dealing with International clients. I'm proud to be a student of Aziz Murad. If you want to learn English you're welcome here. You can check me out if you need any inquiry or relating to my service." Thanks
Md Masud
Md Masud
Student, Hathazari University College.
"I am very lucky to have this course. He has created an incredible environment to help people who have dreams to learn Spoken English. Learning English was my ambition to get healthy job, now it's about to full fill just because of Aziz Murad Sir. Here I have got 24hours service as well as I can study in his online English Library where he has included a great deal of resources of learning English which have helped me to achieve my goal. So if anyone has desire to learn English they can participate in this Online Course undoubtedly."
HR Arman
HR Arman
(Professional Web Developer)
"For the very first time when I attended in a class of "Aziz Murad Sir" I was thinking that how he could speak like a native speaker? I didn’t lose my concentration in whole class even for a second. I just amazed! From my point of view you are awesome trainer for ever that I have seen for the spoken English and I always try to follow you. Now I am working as a Web Developer and E-commerce specialist in international platform like (Fiverr, Upwork) etc. So my suggestion to the learner is that don't miss this opportunity to learn with Aziz Murad Sir. He will make you like a pro."
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